The Client
Eggcellent is a subsidiary company of Eltees Farms - Eggcellent boasts of one of the best managed operational and commercial replacement pullet rearing and egg laying farms in Nigeria with modern technology and equipment. The farm was established in the early 1990s and keeps updating to match the ever advancing wave of technology. Eggcellent is also a certified member of the International Eggs Commission. Eggcellent Eggs are grade AA golden yellow yolked eggs both brown and white brand. Their eggs are branded and it is available for sale in both the open markets and supermarkets all over Nigeria either in open trays or in pre-packed cartons of various sizes.
Their Business
Eltees Farms is one of the top tier farms in the nation. Established in the early 1990s, rebranded and upgraded in 2014, the business has grown to be a producer of agricultural products of international standard, using state of the art technology as well as expertise from its experienced and agile workforce. Their egg brand ‘Eggcellent’, is unique due to the attention to detail in producing each egg. Every process is controlled: from the rearing farms, which receive the birds as day old chicks, to their Layer Farm which keeps the birds throughout their laying cycle, and lastly our automated egg collection and grading system that ensures that they have the best eggs whilst limiting human interference.
By growing their own layers from day old, they can ensure that their flocks receive essential nutrients and treatments throughout their lifecycle, which results in healthy, productive birds, thus producing healthy and nutritious eggs. Automating the collection and grading of the eggs allows them size the eggs objectively and to significantly reduce human contact. This improves the hygiene of their eggs whilst reducing human error and damaged eggs. Feed for the farms are also produced in their feed mill, allowing them to provide their flocks with the best nutrition, a key component in the production of healthy, nutritious eggs. More importantly, it allows them to control their feed composition, giving them the flexibility to respond to complaints from their customers faster and better. Beyond their infrastructure, technical know-how and innovation, is their passion for agriculture and for Nigeria. As product marketing channels in the country continue to advance, and greater emphasis is placed on hygiene, taste and convenience (in line with other developed countries), they aim to play a big role in Nigeria’s story by delivering products and services that are of global standard.
The Challenge
Eltees farm is a farm with cutting edge technology that has adopted a modern and innovation driven feel into its brand and they needed to evolve their marketing strategy, as their previous brand identity was a bland wordmark with no character, and didn’t quite line up their visual strategy with the core of their operations and their ingrained brand values. They needed a brand new visual identity to make the shift from being known as a fully wholesale brand to one with an even balance between the wholesale and retail markets, one that was more intelligent, captivating and dynamic to catch the attention of a shopper right from the supermarket shelves, one that positioned the brand as modern, fast moving and innovative. They also needed us to help with brand activations by way of identity design explorations, social content, website design and development, and printed materials. It was vital that Eggcellent eggs employs an iconic identity to match the values and expertise that it adorns.
Our Approach
We were challenged to create an iconic yet modern identity for Eggcellent to be used on diverse platforms i.e prints, web, packaging etc. We researched into the main product ie. egg and came up with an identity that leaves a visual imprint in the minds of the customers. We effectively used the illustration of an egg to create a realistic description of the product and wrapped it around “E” which is the first letter of the brand name. We also tested the colours on variety of shoppers to determine how they performed against each other on the supermarket shelf. We then went on to print sticker labels for the egg boxes and crates, we created and produced a variety of marketing collaterals to further extend the visual identity redesign campaign for Eggcellent and Eltees farms, we then created a website that embodies the full subsets and portfolio brands of Eltees farms.
EMERGE ALÁRA is an annual pan African wide search for the most talented young designers and creators. The client receives applications in various categories, as well as insight into the problems they face. A shortlist is presented to a panel of esteemed judges and a winner is chosen. The winner is given a grant to produce and stock in store, whilst benefiting from the PR and coverage that comes along with the competition. After the competition, a curriculum is tailored to the top finalists and their core issues are addressed. This helps to better place ALÁRA as a beacon for other fashion retailers and a centre of gravity for global luxury brands already beginning to cluster around a nascent fashion district in Lagos
In addition, a younger crowd - millennials who previously felt ignored at ALÁRA, are invited to the various events that arise during the competition (which runs for 6 months each year) and encouraged to participate in online conversations. A way of drawing them into loop and gathering behavioural data. This market is slowly nurtured to better understand how to cater to them. Given the age range of the competing designers, the newly established market is willing to support and get involved ‘for the culture’ and while championing the ‘African movement’ through social media. A recognisable emotion resounding across the continent. The products, of the competing designers, are designed and produced in Africa - in surrounding and somewhat similar economies, reducing exchange risk exposure to ALÁRA whilst driving down sourcing costs for the designers. The prices, however, can remain premium - given the PR accompanied with the competition and award validation, and therefore still fit into the exclusive showrooms.
Our Impact
100% sell out rate in all locations within a month of hitting stores. Feedback from customers showed that the perceived quality, from brand assets, led them to purchasing and re-purchasing the product. They have in this way set themselves apart in a homogenous market.