The Client
Hamalie is an e-commerce platform with ambitions of making African made fashion and lifestyle products accessible in Europe. With its focus on contemporary Africa, it is a platform for exploring, discovering and showcasing the diversity and uniqueness across the continent.
Their Business
The fashion e-tail space has grown exponentially over time, giving brick and mortar stores a run for their money. With retailers across the globe going into administration, there is a clear consumer shift and e-commerce is a big contributor. E-commerce has become a minimum expectation in meeting the changing needs of Consumer 4.0. Those who fail to adapt get swept up. Fashion brands are no longer as dependent on department stores to stock their wares. With the ability to go direct to consumers, the barriers to entry are lower and the middle man becomes dispensable. However, the retailers with something unique to offer are still given the chance to thrive, provided they can reduce customer pain-points, create the right experiences and leverage technology.
The Challenge
With increased saturation in the fashion retail space, it is crucial to carve out a target market that sees the value in what you offer and has the willingness to pay. Businesses must also find unique ways to speak to their audience, cut through the noise and display unique differentiators. In an industry driven by aesthetics and emotion, particularly at the higher end, every touch point must offer an experience. However, logistical issues on the continent can be an impediment in meeting the expectations of consumers in key areas including delivery.
Our Approach
We started out by establishing a business model outlining the target audience, unique selling proposition and revenue structure. Also considered were areas for cost minimisation and managing risk. In constant liaison with the client, we then went on to develop an operations map that allowed for profitability, while remaining competitive and efficient, without compromising on quality control measures.
Once the business model and operations strategy were put in place, a communications plan was crafted to reach the intended audience and move them along the brand adoption process. To launch the brand to the world, the creative minds at Studio worked with partners to produce a stand out campaign that displayed what the Hamalie brand stands for.
Our Impact
“The strategy created by Thread has given us a blueprint that we keep referring to. When we have new joiners, it is always the first point of reference for on-boarding and getting them to understand the brand, our target audience and goals”